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On the web version: introduction adverts load perfectly fine.

Game doesn't. (Just a black screen)

Delving further into finding some error log on the browser, I see that you've set the iframe to src="", so as to allow clipboard read and write. Why is this? The iframe also requests microphone as well.

Because I have default denied access to these things over practical security concerns, does this mean the game cannot run?


I'll look into it.You can play the web version without the iframe here:


hey this is cool but maybe you could make a mode with water it would be creative or a mode where all the sand changes colors every 20 seconds.


If this game would've participated in a Game Jam it would won it instantly, definetely the most creative idea I've seen a while.


Thank you glad you like it!

Is it developed with unity?

May I know what plugin is used by Falling sand?

Java + LibGDX

Nice one.

i really like this twist on tetris! this game is really difficult though 

you should make this into a rom for gameboy color or advance


I doubt gameboy hardware could handle this.


Will there be an android apk at some point?

Not planned right now


nice game, but im too stupid even on easy


Great Tetris variant. I like the dynamic behaviour of the elements that melt into sand. You did realy a great job!

(1 edit) (+1)

This is an absolutely brilliant and mind-bending twist on the classic. I think anyone with a familiarity with Tetris will have a particularly difficult time (as I did) because you need to think about this game so differently in spite of its similar premise.

If I had a few minor suggestions it would be this: Up (or W) is typically quick-drop in Tetris, as I'm sure you're well aware. It would be nice to have this feature.

The game is also quite difficult. It just takes practice, of course, but I feel like the easy mode should be even easier-- so easy that somebody can spend the first few blocks just experimenting with the buttons and the mechanics. 

As others have said, this needs a mobile version. EDIT: I somehow didn't see that the web version works on mobile. Problem is: it's played in landscape mode, which is uncomfortable. It also highlights the need (imo) for the game space to be taller.

PS: I accidentally bought the game on my other account (CatIllusion). I promise I'm not free-loading. :P Hahaha

how did you make it worse - setris was so much better: the preview was viewable and there was a button to rotate it which isn't the up arrow 

awesome game! hard to play on easy mode)

i think this best tetris game

(1 edit) (+1)

Fun twist on an undeniable classic, great job!


Very good game! But playing it on a computer is not very interesting. If you added it to the phones, it would be interesting to go in and play for 30 minutes.

Best Tetris Like Game, i love it. please release it for android


Thank you for releasing a Mac version. I found a minor problem with how that file extracted: instead of giving me an application, it gave me a folder called "Contents". Mac applications are basically directories/folders with a ".app" suffix. I created a folder called "Sandtrix", put the Contents folder into it, renamed the folder ", then I was able to play the game. Probably the command you used compressed the contents of the application without including the top-level directory, so should be simple to fix.

Thank you. I repackaged it.

I can confirm the new download works when extracted. Thanks!

A lot of fun played it non stop for the last two days :)



Best tetris game ive ever played 12/9


10/10 tetris fangame

the game docent start.

i extracted the filles and used the ,exe as administrator but notting

Did you forget to extract the JRE? Extract all the contents of the .zip

i extracted the filles but i dont see an option to extract the


eaaa fernandito con el caniche cordobés




MacOS version when? (You don’t need to do this)


This game is genius on so many levels



this game could of been a joke where it still used the original way to clear lines in Tetris


I hope you don't mind, but I made some fan music for the game, cause the concept of falling sand as a puzzle mechanic is inspiring

fanmusic for Sandtrix


This game is good, I launched it on my phone and played it. In the browser.

How did you control it?

I just connected a remote control with a keyboard and a touchpad to the phone.


this game is so infinitely fascinating. it deserves the world


Really fun concept! I hope that in the future you can find a music artist to create a tetris-esque soundtrack; some kind of music would certainly elevate the game.
A note about the web version, you are aware that you can create embedded HTML games in, correct? It'd just make the game that much easier for users to access and try out!
Great job with this, I can't wait to see where it goes.


Very Beautifull


Honestly it'd be really cool to add objects that can sometimes spawn within the tetras to mess with the piling of the sand.

I imagine boxes, gems and bombs of sorts, all of which activate when any sand touching it is cleared. Boxes could have extra points, score multipliers, and stuff, maybe even sand of another color that can't be interacted with until the box is gone. While bombs would clear a circular area of sand when triggered.

Mostly to lean into the motif of sand in the desert.

Also it'd be cool to have modes with different shapes than tetras or a wide map mode for more chill gameplay


I dig these ideas as an optional twist.


This game is clever as hell and needs to be a full release - if I had it on the Switch I'd play it every day


I got Sandtrix and Setris. I don't know where I got Setris from.


Setris got a copyright strike, so they rereleased it as this.

Ok. I just played Tetris CD-i yesterday. Life changing experience. Can't wait to try this.

i'm so close to 200k points (200? I can't tell if it's a , or .)  lol

the game's base concept is actually better suited than tetris for a theoretical pvp/competitive mode, funnily enough. It's closer to puyo puyo in that sense and in actual gameplay.

For some reason the game won't launch for me.

(1 edit) (+1)

Which platform? What happens? You can also come on the discord and ask for help.


Whenever I click on the .exe, it refuses to launch. Not even in admin mode.


Please come on the discord for support.

(1 edit) (+1)

I figured it out now. I think I completely forgot to extract the jre folder the first time.

This game is so good I had to post it on my other channel.

I made a video kind of about this before the rename. lol. I'm glad I'm one of the few that have the original file before the rename.

isn't this the setrix? i have dowloaded this game but with another name

Takedown notice for Setris -


oh, I understood, thans :)_

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